Contact & About us

We are a team of passionate people whose goal is to improve everyone's life through disruptive products. We build great products to solve your business problems.

We create a new level of loyalty and rewards through token-based rewards and engagement. Our team are best in their field and we are here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Anyone may join,
everyone wins

All the participants of the platform are rewarded. Become one of them and help us build the new game changing way of shopping.


1st phase

Building up the community of merchants who need to implement loaylty program into their online business.


2nd phase

Boosting the knowledge about EBOD online & worldwide and interaction with customers of merchants who joined the network.


3th phase

Developement of new features of the system, building up the network of participants to Elevate value of token EBOD at crypto market.

Meet our Team

Companies can't survive without smart people running them. We have some of the most highly passionate individuals with a vision for your success. Not all heroes wear capes. Check out the people of tomorrow today.


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marketing sales



We've helped amazing companies to grow up faster!